
Detailed description of the recommended procedures and protocols for using a red and NIR light panel to ensure and maximize benefits such as increased energy, skin health and mood regulation and reduction and attenuation of chronic pain and inflammation.

TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

Distance to Body

The distance between the panel and the body depends on the intensity of the panel and the area treated.

Distance of 15 to 30 cm : Recommended for localized and more intense treatments, such as for muscle pain or injury recovery. Ideal for direct and penetrating exposure.

Distance 30-60cm : Recommended for larger therapy sessions such as skin treatment, general health and light recovery.

Distance above 60 cm : Recommended for a more diffuse and maintenance general exposure, less penetrating.

TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

Exposure Time

The duration of treatment also varies depending on the therapeutic objective:

10 to 20 minutes per session : Recommended for most treatments (cell regeneration, skin improvement, pain relief).

Up to 30 minutes : Recommended for cases of chronic pain, acute inflammation, or major injuries.

Very long or very frequent exposures may result in an attenuation of the benefits, due to the reverse effect of photoinhibition (decreased effectiveness of high-dose light treatment).

How it works
TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

Session Frequency

Frequency is a crucial factor, too frequent sessions can lead to photoinhibition, reducing the effectiveness of the treatment, while too sparse sessions may not provide sufficient cumulative benefits.

2-3 times a week : Recommended for maintenance and rejuvenation treatment.

3-4 times a week : Recommended for chronic pain, muscle recovery or weight loss.

Daily or 5 times a week : Recommended for improving mood, sleep quality and increasing energy.

Why TheraFactor?
TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha


The wavelengths used are crucial in determining the depth of tissue penetration and the types of benefits:

Red Light (630-670 nm) : Penetrates the skin and subcutaneous layers, favoring treatments for:

  • Skin rejuvenation
  • Collagen production
  • Acne treatment

NIR Light (800-1060 nm) : Penetrates deeper into tissues, ideal for:

  • Muscle recovery
  • Reduction of joint pain
  • Improved circulation

  • TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

    Weight loss

    Distance : 10-20 cm (due to the need for deeper penetration into adipose tissue)

    Time : 15-20 minutes per treated area (abdomen, hips, thighs, etc.)

    Wavelength : 630-670 nm (red light) and 800-880 nm (NIR)

    Frequency : 3-4 times a week


    Additional tip : For best results, combine with physical activity immediately after treatment to maximize fat burning, as the process accelerates the breakdown of fats for use as energy.

  • TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

    Facial Rejuvenation (Skin)

    Distance : 15-30 cm

    Time : 10-15 minutes

    Wavelength : 630-670 nm (red light)

    Frequency : 2-3 times a week

  • TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

    Depression and Anxiety

    Distance : 20-40 cm

    Time : 10-20 minutes (preferably morning or afternoon)

    Wavelength : 630-670 nm (red light) and 800-880 nm (NIR)

    Frequency : Daily or at least 5 times a week


    Additional tip : Combine with relaxation techniques or meditation during sessions to enhance the calming effect.

  • TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

    Muscle Recovery After Exercise

    Distance : 20-40 cm

    Time : 15-20 minutes

    Wavelength : 800-880 nm (NIR)

    Frequency : 3 times a week after intense training sessions

  • TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha

    Sleep Quality

    Distance : 20-40 cm

    Time : 10-15 minutes (preferably late afternoon or evening, about 1 hour before bed)

    Wavelength : 630-670 nm (red light)

    Frequency : Daily or at least 5 times a week


    Additional tip : After the session, keep the room dark to promote the natural production of melatonin. Avoid exposure to blue light (from mobile phone screens, computers, etc.) after using red light, in order to enhance the sleep-inducing effect.

  • TheraFactor Terapia de Luz Vermelha ATP Mitocôndria

    Relief from Chronic Joint Pain

    Distance : 10-20 cm

    Time : 20-30 minutes

    Wavelength : Combination of 630-670 nm (red) and 800-880 nm (NIR)

    Frequency : 3-4 times a week

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Final Considerations

Consistency in using light therapy is key to achieving lasting results. Everyone responds differently to treatment, so it’s essential to monitor the effects over time and adjust the distance, exposure time and frequency as needed.