All About Red Light Therapy and Muscle Recovery
Red light therapy has been an emerging health benefit since the mid-1990s. Red light therapy has its origins in NASA research [1], when researchers using red light to promote plant growth found that it also helped researchers’ wounds heal faster after prolonged exposure to red light. While red light therapy is now used for a variety of health reasons, including improving sleep quality, pain management, and improving skin quality, its original use of accelerating healing remains most relevant to improving athletic performance.
Overview of the musculoskeletal system
Muscle recovery focuses on the musculoskeletal system. This system of the body includes not only muscles, but also bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and connective tissues. Muscles do not work alone, and each component of the musculoskeletal system interacts with other components, ultimately affecting muscle health.
The entire musculoskeletal system [2] serves as a framework for the body, allowing movement and manipulation of the environment. The musculoskeletal system includes:
- Bones - The skeleton provides the framework for the entire body, giving solid structure to each extremity, our heads and faces, and our core. Bones are essential for movement and serve as the solid, stable structure on which all of our soft biological tissues depend to stay in place within our bodies.
- Muscles - While the skeleton is important for providing structure, muscles are what actually move that structure. All muscles except the tongue are long structures that have two ends, both of which are connected to bones. Muscle cells can contract with force, allowing the bones to change their position relative to each other.
- Joints - Joints are where two bones come into contact and can move against each other. There are many different types of joints. Joints can be very simple, such as the hinge joint in the elbow that only moves forward and backward. They can also be relatively complex, such as the hip and shoulder joints, which allow a wide range of movement in any direction.
- Tendons - Tendons are connective tissues that attach muscles to bones. Muscle tissue does not attach directly to bone tissue, and tendons connect these two different types of tissue. Tendons do not contract like muscles and play a purely connective role.
- Ligaments - Ligaments are very similar to tendons, but instead of connecting muscles to bones, they connect bones to other bones. Ligaments are responsible for many important functions, such as keeping the two bones in your forearm parallel and aligned with each other and in place. Ligaments serve to keep the bones stationary relative to each other, while tendons and muscles allow the bones to move relative to each other.
- Cartilage - Cartilage is a slippery, elastic tissue that covers the end of each bone where there is a joint. Cartilage is vital in ensuring that bones glide smoothly over each other without causing friction. Without cartilage, the bones in the joints would grind against each other, causing friction and pain that would make smooth movement difficult or even impossible.
As the primary drivers of movement, muscles [3] play the most important role in our ability to move and control our surroundings. Muscles generally consist of linear-looking cells that are arranged in the same orientation. When activated by the nervous system, muscle cells change shape, going from long and thin to short and thick. This change in cells can be seen on a larger scale by the effect it has on the size and shape of a muscle when it is flexed versus when it is extended.
Muscle cells can only contract and cannot extend by themselves. This makes it necessary for muscles to operate in pairs, with one that can contract in one direction and another that can contract in the opposite direction. With the exception of the tongue, all skeletal muscles will always be connected to at least two bones that are capable of moving relative to each other. Since muscles do not act independently, most exercises focus on groups of muscles rather than individual muscles.
Skeletal muscle is the main type of muscle that is important to consider when it comes to muscle recovery and exercise. This type of muscle is the only type of muscle under conscious control. There are other types of muscles that are under unconscious control and usually do not connect two joints. Muscles such as the heart, stomach, and the lining of arteries and veins are all examples of non-skeletal muscle.
Muscles and Exercises
Muscle recovery is a vital consideration for anyone serious about fitness or athletics. One important tool that is becoming increasingly popular for improving the speed and effectiveness of muscle recovery is red light therapy. This new form of therapy is being used by many people, from professional athletes whose careers depend on their fitness to everyday people who want to get the most out of their workouts.
Exercise [4] improves muscle performance in different ways. Most exercises focus on either endurance, the ability to maintain a muscle contraction or repeat it many times, or strength, the ability of a muscle to move with greater force. Many common forms of exercise, such as push-ups, running, and swimming, are all endurance exercises. Strength exercises usually focus on lifting increasingly heavier weights.
During exercise, muscle performance is usually improved by the body increasing circulation to the muscles or by the muscles being damaged at a microscopic level and repairing themselves with increased muscle mass. Increased mass of a muscle due to increased use is called hypertrophy, while decreased muscle mass is called atrophy.
Muscle Recovery
Muscle damage occurs whenever exercise forces a muscle beyond what it is used to. Microscopic muscle damage is a normal and desirable result of exercise that will ultimately lead to improved function in the future. These tears, however, make the muscle weaker and more painful until it heals. Exercising before the muscle has healed can lead to further damage that does not allow the muscle to recover or improve its function. This can inhibit the effectiveness of exercise and may even increase the risk of injury.
Muscle recovery is often an important consideration for high-performance athletes who want to see improvements as quickly as possible and who want to get the most out of their workouts. Optimizing muscle recovery allows for more frequent workouts, which improves muscle function more quickly.
Muscle recovery can also be a vital consideration when an injury occurs. Unlike microscopic tears in the muscle that heal within hours or days, a larger injury can take several days or even weeks to heal. This can seriously impede an exercise program and create significant setbacks. Rapid healing is important in these situations to minimize interruptions to exercise programs.
Muscle injuries
Muscle injuries [5] can seriously impact a training program, and understanding how to recover from these types of injuries is vital for athletes of all levels. Muscle injuries are not exclusively muscular injuries and include injuries to the connective tissues that muscles require to function and the joints that muscles move.
A muscle strain [6] is a form of muscle injury that occurs in the muscle or in a tendon that attaches the muscle to the bone. A strain is sometimes informally called a pulled muscle. Strains occur when the stress placed on a muscle is greater than the muscle can withstand, causing the muscle or tendons to tear due to overstretching.
Strains can usually be distinguished from typical post-workout soreness because the pain that develops from a strain occurs immediately after the injury, rather than several hours to a day later, as would be expected with post-workout soreness. Strains are classified according to their severity:
- Grade 1 (Mild Strain) - The muscles have been stretched too far, and tears develop in the fibers. These tears are small, but they are more than the microscopic tears that normally occur during exercise.
- Grade 2 (moderate strain) - The tear is more serious; however, there is no complete tear in the muscle. Pain, swelling, and bruising are likely, limiting mobility.
- Grade 3 (severe strain) - Severe strains occur when most of the muscle fibers are torn or when there is a complete tear in the muscle or tendon. This severe form of injury can severely limit movement and may require surgery to repair.
Treatment for a strain depends on the severity of the strain. For most minor strains, treatment involves elevating the affected extremity, resting it, applying ice for up to twenty minutes at a time, and compressing it to reduce swelling. Over-the-counter pain medications may be used to control discomfort. Strains that do not heal quickly or appear serious should be evaluated and treated by a doctor.
Preventing strains is always better than having to treat a strain. Avoiding overworking a muscle group, putting excessive strain on a muscle, or training too frequently can help reduce the risk of strains. Contact sports increase the risk of strains, and precautions should be taken to avoid injury in these situations.
Sprains [7] are sometimes confused with strains, but they are a different type of injury. While strains affect the muscles and tendons, sprains affect the ligaments that hold the bones together. Sprains usually occur because the stress on the ligaments is too great, causing them to stretch too much. Muscles play a role in most sprains, as the ligaments rely on the muscles to help maintain the stability of the joint and reduce the strain on the ligaments.
Sprains usually manifest as a joint suddenly giving way and moving beyond its normal limits. Most sprains affect the ankles, especially when the ankle and leg are not aligned when the body's weight is on the foot. This can be called "rolling" the ankle, a movement that puts stress on the ligaments and can lead to a sprain.
Sprains can occur in varying degrees of severity and are classified based on their severity:
- First-degree sprain (mild strain) - Minimal damage to the ligaments has occurred. Healing will usually be quick, and the sprain can often be treated by yourself.
- Second-degree sprain (moderate strain) - At least one ligament has been damaged, but no ligament is completely torn. Partial tears are likely. Healing will take longer, and bruising and swelling will likely be noticeable.
- Third-degree sprain (severe strain) - At least one ligament has been completely torn. It may be impossible to use the damaged joint fully, and treatment may include a cast, brace, or even surgery.
How a sprain is treated will depend entirely on how severe it is. The mnemonic RICE (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevation) can be used for most mild sprains to improve healing and reduce pain. Over-the-counter pain medications can be used for pain control. More serious sprains may require prolonged periods of rest, braces, casts, or even surgery.
Sprains can be prevented by taking a number of different measures. One of the best ways to prevent sprains is to maintain consistent muscle strength. Strong muscles help maintain the structure and position of your joints, keeping everything in place. Avoid exercising when your muscles are weak or when you are tired, as your muscles will not be able to provide the same level of stability. Having good footwear and braces to stabilize joints that are at risk can also reduce the risk of sprains.
Cramps [8] are sudden, involuntary contractions of a muscle or group of muscles. Cramps are called exercise-induced cramps when they occur during exercise. Cramps can be painful, but rarely cause any lasting damage. However, they inhibit normal movement and can make it difficult or impossible to continue an activity. This can be very undesirable for athletes who are competing.
The cause of cramps is not fully understood, and there are several different ideas about what actually causes cramps to develop. There are, however, two main medical theories about what causes exercise-induced muscle cramps:
- Fatigue - The latest theory about what causes cramps is that muscle fatigue causes changes in how nerves control muscle contractions. This causes nerve signals to cause prolonged contractions that are not under conscious control.
- Electrolyte imbalance - Chemicals in the body called electrolytes are essential for healthy muscle activity. As we sweat during strenuous exercise, we lose fluids and electrolytes. Dehydration also causes changes in electrolyte concentration. It is theorized that changes in electrolytes due to sweating and dehydration are the cause of exercise-induced muscle cramps.
A muscle cramp usually resolves within minutes of stopping use of the muscle, but there are some interventions that can help them resolve more quickly. Gently stretching the cramped muscle can help the muscle relax and cause the cramp to dissipate. Drinking water can also help resolve the cramp.
Avoiding cramps is important, especially when you’re competing or when they might interfere with your exercise routine. There are some precautions you can take to reduce your chances of getting cramps. These include:
- Stay well hydrated with water that contains replacement electrolytes
- Stretch well before exercising and warm up
- Avoid hot and strenuous conditions
Cramps are unlikely to be serious; however, frequent cramps may indicate that the exercise you are doing is too strenuous or that you have an electrolyte imbalance that needs to be addressed.
Tendonitis [9] is an inflammation of the tendons and usually develops with the repetition of a specific movement for prolonged periods of time. Tendonitis has many nicknames, including tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, pitcher's shoulder, and swimmer's shoulder. Most of the sports with which tendonitis is associated involve repetitive movements of a specific joint.
Medical scientists don't know exactly what causes tendonitis. Overuse of a joint, injury, or strain can all contribute to its development. When tendonitis occurs, inflammation of the tendon develops, causing it to become irritated and painful. If tendonitis is left untreated and continues to worsen, your tendon may eventually rupture, causing the muscle to partially or completely separate from the bone. This complication of tendonitis usually requires surgery to repair.
Tendonitis can resolve on its own without any medical treatment; however, it may require medical intervention. Ice, rest, elevation, compression, and over-the-counter pain medications may be enough to help resolve symptoms in mild cases. Some potential treatments for tendonitis include:
- Adjust activities to avoid repetitive tendon use
- Using a splint or brace to reduce tendon movement
- Apply ice for up to 20 minutes at a time to reduce inflammation and pain
- Steroid injections into the tendon to reduce inflammation and pain
- Physiotherapy to help optimize muscle and tendon function
- Ultrasonic treatments that break up tendon scar tissue to facilitate healing
- Surgery to repair a torn or damaged tendon
Everyone's situation will be different, and because of the severity of the potential problems tendonitis can cause, anyone with tendonitis should see a doctor to ensure they are being treated correctly.
The risk of tendonitis can be reduced using several different strategies:
- Improve your technique - Tendonitis is often the result of repetitive activities. Poor technique can increase the irritation caused by repetitive activities and increase the risk of tendonitis.
- Reduce the intensity - If tendonitis is beginning to develop, reducing the use of the affected tendon can help prevent more serious tendonitis from occurring.
- Change your exercise routine - Repetition is a key cause of tendonitis. Changing your exercise routine to avoid repetitive movements can reduce your risk of tendonitis.
- Stretching - Stretching before exercise can reduce the irritation that exercise causes to your tendons, decreasing the risk of tendonitis.
- Strengthen - Strengthening your muscles can help reduce stress on individual tendons, decreasing your overall risk of developing tendonitis.
Optimizing muscle recovery
Anyone who does any type of regular training should carefully consider how to optimize muscle recovery. This is especially vital for serious athletes who must optimize every facet of their routine, but it’s also important for anyone who wants to get the most out of their workout.
There are many factors that influence the overall health and function of your muscles. These factors will affect the likelihood of muscle damage occurring during exercise and will influence how quickly your muscles recover after workouts and injuries.
Hydration is an important part of muscle function and helps promote good muscle health. Research suggests [10] that staying hydrated not only improves athletic performance and endurance, but also helps promote muscle recovery after a workout.
Getting enough, quality sleep every night promotes muscle health and recovery. Research shows [11] that sleep can affect protein synthesis, a vital component of muscle recovery. Sleep is also known to promote healing and speed recovery from many different types of injuries and illnesses.
Massage has been shown to speed up muscle recovery [12] after workouts. Massage helps increase blood flow to the muscles and increases the speed at which lactic acid that builds up in the muscles can be absorbed. This leads to decreased muscle soreness after a workout and can speed up muscle recovery.
Rest periods are important between workouts to allow microscopic muscle damage time to heal. Having adequate recovery time between workouts promotes muscle recovery [13] and improves the effectiveness of workouts.
Nutrition is a vital part [14] of any serious training regimen. Building muscle and healing muscle requires protein to build the physical structure and energy to sustain healing. There are several important nutritional considerations for muscle recovery:
- Protein - Protein is the building block that gives muscle cells their structure. Without protein, muscle cells and structure cannot develop properly. Having an adequate protein intake, especially immediately after a workout, is necessary to optimize the body's ability to build new muscle.
- Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates provide the fuel and energy needed for muscles to function and recover. Optional energy intake will reduce the amount of recovery needed by promoting muscle health during a workout and will also improve the ability to heal after a workout.
- Avoid processed sugars - Processed sugars, such as corn syrup or high-fructose corn syrup, are associated with increased inflammation. Soda and candy are high in processed sugars and can cause inflammation and decreased recovery after workouts.
- Balance - Ultimately, a nutritious diet revolves around balance, requiring a balanced intake of healthy fats and oils, fruits, vegetables, proteins, and supplements. Professional athletes often focus heavily on maintaining a balanced diet that promotes muscle function while avoiding potentially inflammatory foods.
Avoid drugs and alcohol
Recreational drugs, alcohol, and tobacco can interfere with muscle recovery [15] in many different ways. The actual effect depends on the specific substance; however, most recreational substances cause stress on the body and affect its ability to heal and maintain optimal function.
Red light therapy
Red light therapy is becoming increasingly recognized as an effective method for accelerating muscle recovery in athletes. Professional organizations, such as the San Francisco 49ers, are beginning to install red light therapy panels in their locker rooms as the competitive advantage that the increased speed of muscle recovery it provides becomes more widely recognized.
Red Light Therapy and Muscle Recovery
There is a large body of research supporting the use of red light therapy not only to promote muscle recovery, but also to reduce muscle damage and improve exercise performance. A 2016 paper [16] published in the Journal of Biophotonics even raised the question of whether red light therapy should be allowed in athletic competitions without being regulated due to the potentially unfair advantage it could provide.
The main areas of research where red light therapy has been most examined are its ability to reduce muscle damage, its ability to reduce muscle fatigue during and after exercise, its ability to improve performance during exercise, and its ability to improve muscle recovery. Each of these areas is inextricably interrelated and offers its own distinct benefits for muscle recovery.
How Red Light Therapy Works
Red light therapy is believed to work by stimulating mitochondria [17], tiny organs found in every cell in the body. These subcellular organs are responsible for energy production, and a key chemical found in mitochondria called cytochrome C oxidase has been shown to absorb light within the red and infrared wavelengths.
While research into how red light therapy works is still ongoing, it is believed that the effects it has on mitochondria are what speeds healing and reduces pain. While this effect was first discovered in healing skin wounds, red light penetrates deep into muscle tissue, providing this benefit to muscles as well.
Reduced muscle damage
Several studies indicate that using red light therapy can potentially reduce muscle damage that can occur during exercise. This can lead to increased endurance and make workouts more productive. A 2010 article [18] in the European Journal of Applied Physiology found that using red light therapy before eccentric exercise led to reduced levels of biomarkers associated with muscle damage when compared to those who did not use red light therapy.
Other studies have yielded similar results. A study [19] published in Lasers in Medical Science used a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial that found that infrared light decreased inflammatory markers after exercise in water polo athletes. A 2019 trial [20] also published in Lasers in Medical Science and using a randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial found that using red light therapy before a soccer match decreased the likelihood of developing hamstring injuries.
There are several other important studies that demonstrate the benefits that red light therapy can provide in reducing muscle damage. These studies also show that red light therapy can improve the speed at which muscles heal after being damaged or facilitate healing in certain muscle-related diseases. Some of these studies include:
- A 2020 review [21] published in the Journal of Sport Rehabilitation . This review explored research on the effects of red light therapy when used on soccer athletes. The researchers found that specific doses between 10 and 50 Joules of energy used after the game provided the greatest effect. The review noted the need for further studies to determine if there was a difference between how men and women respond to red light therapy.
- A review [22] published in MOJ Orthopaedics & Rheumatology in 2015. This review found that the use of red light therapy to manage musculoskeletal pain had a solid base of scientific evidence supporting its use. The review noted the limitations of red light therapy when there were true structural deficits and further noted that red light therapy may be less effective with certain types of neurological causes of muscle pain.
- A 2013 study [23] in Laser Therapy . This study examined the effectiveness of red light therapy in treating sports injuries in a hospital setting. The study involved 41 patients and showed a 65.9% effectiveness rate for all sports injuries. The study also showed an even higher rate of effectiveness for jumper's knee, tennis elbow, and Achilles tendonitis and demonstrated that red light therapy was particularly promising for these conditions
- A 2021 narrative review [24] published in Research, Society and Development . This review looked at evidence for the muscle-related effects of red light therapy. Key findings about the effects of red light therapy included that it treated muscle atrophy by potentially stimulating muscle cell growth, increasing muscle fiber formation, and improving the elimination process of old or damaged cells.
- A2014 study [25] published in PLOS One . This study investigated the effects of red light therapy on mice. The mice were treated with red light therapy five times a week for 14 months. The researchers found that this treatment resulted in “decreased morphological changes, skeletal muscle damage, and inflammation” in the treated mice when compared to the control group. The researchers noted that their findings indicated that red light therapy had the potential to “slow the progression of Duchenne muscular dystrophy,” a muscular condition that is difficult to effectively treat.
Better muscle performance
While the research is quite clear that red light therapy appears to offer a protective effect against muscle damage during exercise, it also strongly suggests that it actually improves muscle performance during activity. This would extend the potential duration of a workout while also improving joint stability and safety during exercise.
A study [26] published in Lasers in Medical Science in 2009 showed that using red light therapy before exercise reduced the onset of muscle fatigue. A 2014 study [27] published in Photomedicine and Laser Surgery showed that using infrared light during rest intervals during exercise increased resistance to muscle fatigue. In 2019, a study [28] in the International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance showed that red light therapy increased the time it took competitive cyclists to begin feeling exhausted.
Other important studies on the effects of red light therapy on muscle performance include:
- A twin case study [29] published in the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation . Using identical twins, this study showed that the use of red light therapy “increased maximal exercise load and reduced fatigue.” The research also demonstrated that there were decreased markers of inflammation and muscle atrophy in the twin who used red light therapy.
- A 2012 review [30] published in Photonics & Lasers in Medicine . This study examined a large body of scientific literature and found that red light therapy can “improve muscle performance, reduce muscle fatigue during exercise, and benefit muscle repair.” The review also found that people with conditions such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy may benefit from using red light therapy.
- A 2020 study [31] published in the Annals of Applied Sport Science . This study followed 50 individuals and used a double-blind, controlled study methodology to show that the use of red light therapy resulted in a statistically significant decrease in blood lactate levels, muscle soreness severity, and perceived exertion of fatigue during and after exercise. The researchers concluded that using red light therapy before exercise “may improve muscle performance and reduce muscle soreness and fatigue.”
- A study published in 2023 in Nature . This double-blind, controlled study followed 47 participants who had osteoarthritis, a painful joint condition that benefits from exercise. The researchers found that the use of red light therapy improved muscle strength and functional performance when compared to the control group. The researchers ultimately suggested that red light therapy be “integrated into rehabilitation programs to improve muscle strength and functional performance” for those with knee osteoarthritis.
Muscle recovery after exercise
While red light therapy has been shown to reduce damage and improve performance during exercise, leading to improved athletic performance, it has also been shown to have positive effects after a workout. These positive effects focus primarily on improved post-workout muscle recovery.
A 2014 study [33] published in Lasers in Medical Science used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to demonstrate that a single treatment of red light therapy improved muscle soreness, loss of muscle strength, and range of motion impairments caused by exercise. The effects lasted up to 96 hours after exercise.
Another study [34], published in 2016 in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , used a randomized, crossover, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial examining the effects of red light therapy on rugby players. The study found that red light therapy significantly accelerated muscle recovery in rugby players who used red light therapy.
Other important studies on the use of red light therapy to improve post-workout recovery include:
- A 2010 study [35] published in the Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy . This study followed 9 volleyball players who received pre-exercise red light therapy treatment. The researchers concluded that this treatment resulted in increased endurance and improved post-exercise levels of important muscle-related blood markers.
- A 2013 study [36] was published in the Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development . This study used laboratory rats to examine the effects of red light therapy. The researchers demonstrated that the use of red light therapy “positively affects injured skeletal muscle in rats, accelerating the process of muscle regeneration.”
- A review [37] published in Sports Health in 2022. This meta-analysis reviewed 24 randomized, controlled trials. The review found that using red light therapy before exercise resulted in decreased pain after exercise. The review also identified at least three exercise-related biomarkers that were improved by the use of red light therapy.
- A 2018 study [38] published in Lasers in Medical Science . This study used a mouse model to examine the effects of red light on muscle tissue. Mice that were treated with red light therapy for seven days showed improved distribution and organization of collagen, a connective protein essential for optimal muscle function. The researchers concluded that red light therapy had a positive effect on the muscle repair process.
- A 2013 review [39] published in the Journal of Athletic Training . This review analyzed data from controlled studies on red light therapy, ultimately finding that the use of red light therapy provided post-exercise protective and recovery benefits.
A study [40] published in the International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy in 2022. This controlled trial followed 33 participants. The effects of red light therapy before running were assessed, and researchers found that using red light therapy relieved muscle soreness in some muscle groups after exercise. Researchers also found that red light therapy was not as effective in reducing muscle soreness associated with “short-duration explosive activity.”
Red Light Myth
Not all red light therapy panels are created equal. For red light therapy to be worth the investment, you need a professional, independently tested, high-quality red light therapy device from a reputable company. With over 5 years in business and over 65,000 delighted customers, Mito Red Light is a brand you can trust. Our reviews speak for themselves, and you can also click through to see some of our customers’ before and after red light therapy examples.
We are confident that our devices are the highest quality and best value you will find anywhere. We invite you to review our selection of red light therapy devices or contact one of our representatives at 1-866-861-6486 to learn more or for help finding the right solution for you.
Related articles:
- How does red light therapy affect the body?
- Red Light Therapy – Sleep, Energy and Performance
- An Overview of the Uses of Red Light Therapy
DISCLAIMER : Mito Red Light devices are not clinically proven to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions. Mito Red Light devices are low/risk general wellness devices that aim to affect the body by supporting cellular function. The scientific studies referenced in this article are for educational and informational purposes only and are intended to educate the reader about the exciting and growing field of light therapy. For a list of precautionary warnings and contraindications, click here .
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